Reputation Marketing (RM) should not be confused with online reputation management. While reputation management uses SEO, content creation, social media, and PR to build and maintain a positive reputation, reputation marketing focuses on promoting positive experiences of product/services through consumers. What are the expected benefits of reputation marketing your business?

Powerful marketing tool

Reputation marketing highlights and magnifies positive brand content — customer reviews through traditional and digital marketing channels. It’s a way to boost sales by promoting your brand’s existing reputation.

Higher Brand Equity

Brand equity develops and grows as a result of customers’ experiences with the brand. Positive brand equity makes it feasible for companies to charge more for their product/service due to lower price sensitivity of demand. Consumers are willing to pay more for brands which they think highly of.

Exponential Growth

Reputation marketing helps companies to focus on growth and innovation, which in turn can result in new products and services with significant returns. Additionally it also promotes a stable cash flow for the future, which increases shareholder value.

The market sets the price of products and services in an extremely competitive environment, but consumers may be willing to pay prices that are much higher than industry average. Our consultants can propose a strategic campaign to strengthen and market your reputation. Visit our website today for more information or get in touch with us by email.