Translating Consumer Insights into Product Opportunities

With a large number of brands in the marketplace, you need to make sure that your brand stands out amongst the rest. People should be able to identify you easily. Having a brand people recognize as reputable, reliable and trustworthy is key to running a successful business. At Midas, we know the secrets to successfully creating and maintaining a brand that will attract and keep clients ensuring your long-term success. We create professional brand identities to help businesses stand out from competitors and communicate their core brand values to your target audience. We design brands that exceed all mediums and platforms, from print to digital.


Branding: Building a Reputation

When people make their buying decisions, the price is not the only thing that matters. The image and reputation of the brand they buy from are just as important as the quality of the product or service. Since they can’t always test what they are buying, they have to rely on feedback others give about a brand and whether or not the company is known for providing good quality products. If you can get your customers to appreciate you for your good performance, you have already achieved a lot, as your buyers will most likely tell people about their experiences and help you build your reputation that way.

Midas Branding Services

Being Recognized

Awareness that you provide good products or services is not enough. It also needs to be recognizable and this can be achieved by having a strong logo, a theme song, a pattern or any other trademark that is uniquely yours. This is what will distinguish you from your competitors.

Becoming a Promise

Once people know your work and your logo, your brand will become a promise for potential customers. When they see your signature, they will come to expect a particular style and standard. This, in turn, will make it easier for you to find new customers, as they will already know what to expect from you without ever having dealt with your company before. That will lead to people who need your type of product to seek you out deliberately because they trust your name.

Building Repeat and Referral Business

If you can consistently deliver on the promise your brand has created, you will gain repeat customers and they will keep a highly positive image of your brand in their heads. Since many of them will share their experiences with friends, family and colleagues, the way you branded yourself will not just be known among your customers, but in their networks as well. This can in turn lead to referral business and ultimately make your brand a household name.

Creating a Branding Campaign for You

At Midas, we understand that building a brand can be challenging. It takes a lot of research, planning and understanding of both your company and your target market. To make this process quick and successful we guide you through three simple steps to ensure you can brand yourself the way that best reflects you.

You probably have many skills and there are probably some that you are not consciously aware of but that make a difference to your customers. At Midas, we have the outsider’s perspective and we can help you identify these strengths to make sure you capitalize on them.

You probably already have a pretty good idea of your clients’ needs otherwise, you would have a very hard time creating any product or service at all. However, it’s good to have a close look at them and identify the needs you can best cater to with the skills you identified in step one.

Having identified the special skills you can offer, and knowing that there are people who need these particular skills will help you create a message that reflects the essence of your brand and will help you set yourself apart from the competition.

Our team at Midas will help you bring the result of these three steps together, combine them with a powerful logo, and make you more easily identifiable for your target audience. This will give you the chance to communicate with them through a consistent message all while establishing a strong presence in your industry’s market.

Our team at Midas will help you bring the result of these three steps together, combine them with a powerful logo, and make you more easily identifiable for your target audience. This will give you the chance to communicate with them through a consistent message all while establishing a strong presence in your industry’s market.


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