The previous article discusses the importance of LinkedIn in business leaders’ positioning. This blog will feature how to best tap into the platform for maximised outcomes.
Monitor and leverage newsjacking opportunities
One useful way of establishing your thought leadership on LinkedIn is selectively newsjacking relevant industry micro- or macro-trends. Sharing your unique perspectives and engaging in online conversations regarding breaking news and trending topics can pique the interests of your audience and bolster engagement rates.
However, you should avoid constantly voicing opinions about current events because this may result in a lack of interest among your audience. Being patient and identifying the right moment are key to successful newsjacking.
Please refer to our previous edition for more tips on creating newsjacking.
Take advantage of LinkedIn analytics
Constantly reviewing LinkedIn audience demographics enables you to create bespoke content for your audience, thanks to insights into their seniority, job functions, and industries.
Additionally, LinkedIn has introduced the ‘Companies to track’ metric, allowing users to compare their follower trends, number of updates, and engagement rates with those of similar companies.
Continuously monitoring your content performance in relation to audience demographics and competitors’ profiles facilitates better reflection on your creative outputs and immediate adjustments to your content approach when necessary.
Stay active in forging your networks
LinkedIn’s algorithm is designed to prioritise relevant content and promote engagement, so building or being part of an active network is likely to yield exceptional rewards.
Business leaders should participate in or host LinkedIn groups to contribute to conversations on industry topics, exchange insights and experiences, seek guidance, and expand their professional connections.
In addition to updates on milestones and content engagement, giving and receiving recommendations are helpful for maintaining interactions within your network.
With 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members driving business decisions, maintaining your presence on LinkedIn is essential for further building rapport with your business prospects and showcasing your expertise and credibility.
At Midas PR, we specialise in producing content that resonates with your target audience, encourage engagement, grow your follower base, and connect your brand to the online world. If you need a successful LinkedIn campaign, contact us or by visiting or via email.