As women, we’re expected to not only take care of ourselves but also of those around us. What we are not asked to do, however, is recognize just how much effort and energy goes into holding space for those around us. Other people will surely sing praises about how you’re a superwoman and can do it all, but do you notice your contributions? It’s extremely important to acknowledge your many talents and to reward yourself for them! Being compassionate to yourself can increase your self-esteem, awareness, health, productivity, relationships and more.
No one knows you, your stressors, your joys, or your everything better than yourself. So it’s vital you decide how and when to recuperate. As a child who hoped others would perfectly decipher my non-verbal codes, I was always disappointed. If you’re waiting for someone to give you the “okay” to take some time for yourself, it’s probably going to happen a lot less than you’d like. Taking responsibility for your own mental health is an exercise in accountability, and can look as easy as telling your friends and family, “I’d be more than happy to help you after my workout.”
Everything seems harder to tackle when you’re feeling sluggish and mentally fatigued.This not only applies to work, either. Feeling drained can delay your creative process, therefore creating more anxiety about all the things you planned to do, but couldn’t. Doing things for yourself boosts your mood, health, and ultimately your productivity! It is a lot easier to schedule your tasks and breaks when you are more in tune with your body and mind.
It can be difficult to make space for other people in our hearts and minds when we’re feeling overwhelmed. Yes, even our loved ones. Your hyperfocus while struggling to complete tasks can be perceived as irritability, apathy, or insensitivity by those around you. When you’re in tune with yourself and/or fresh from completing your favorite activities it is a lot easier to convey your feelings to others. This also works vice versa! Notice how your comprehension of others’ sentiments is also heightened with a clear mind.
It’s crucial to take care of our bodies in a pandemic. It is through optimal functioning of our organs, luck, careful measures, and systems that we are privileged to avoid being in a hospital bed right now. The least we can do for our body is not adding further stress, physically and mentally. Neglecting exercise and nutrition, coupled with holding onto stress can cause muscle tension, migraines, stomach cramps, and even chronic illness in the long run. Simple things like taking breathing breaks, and going on walks can do wonders for your body, while kick-starting your mind.