Our previous article explored how AI can enhance corporate communication productivity, making drafting copy quicker, easier, and more efficient.
However, it is not without limitations or ethical considerations; in 2018, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) established the #AIinPR panel to explore the impact of AI in PR. It then produced the Ethics Guide to Artificial Intelligence in PR to guide practitioners on how to apply AI tools and processes in public relations without causing harm.
Aside from the question of ethics, many arguments suggest that there are elements of AI’s application in PR that make human writers irreplaceable.
Lack of expertise and credibility
Because of the rise in misinformation and disinformation, more citizens exercise caution and scepticism when consuming information online. This means showcasing credible expertise to garner trust has never been more crucial.
In contrast to content produced by human experts with quantifiable, lived experience, AI-generated content frequently lacks the necessary credentials or relevant citations. To date, robots haven’t mastered the art of study in any field of expertise, meaning the lack the appropriate reference points and critical analysis.
Lack of nuances in local languages
Language generation is AI’s strength and, ironically, one of its weaknesses. For instance, AI often fails to hit the mark if your language needs to be tailored to a specific target audience.
While machine copywriters have mastered the basics of language, they have not yet developed far enough to adapt their style or account for cultural nuances or context. This is particularly crucial if you have a call to action or behaviour in mind you want to elicit from your reader.
Lack of emotions
Creating an emotional response from a reader is always at the heart of the most memorable content. Research has even attempted to create a formula for exactly what kind of emotions need to be invoked for viral content.
Empathy, amusement, curiosity, frustration, and every emotion in between are the exclusive realm of living, feeling creatures. Because AI can’t comprehend emotion, it can’t reflect or arouse it in the content it generates. As a result, machine-generated copy can be bland, unrelatable, and inauthentic in the eyes of your audience, making it harder to connect with audiences.
Although AI is undoubtedly capable of producing descriptive texts and summarising data, producing personalised and emotionally appealing copy is still a task in which only a human writer can succeed.
At Midas PR, we are experts in crafting publicity materials to make your brand stand out and generate earned coverage that drives your business objectives. If you want to engage your audience with compelling publicity deliverables, contact us via email or visit www.midas-pr.com