Our master connector, Karin Lohintavy recently led a panel discussion about managing employee growth at #PROIAPACSummit 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
PROI meetings allows the agencies to stay up-to-date with the current trends and issues within the industry and given the advancement in technology, public relations firms must be at the top of things and prepare for the future. Holding workshops covering various topics as the one led by Neil Green on the issue of Crisis Management helps strengthens the level of consultancy they can offer clients.
These workshops provide very clear strategies and steps to take when dealing with a crisis at hand. Together PROI members can provide a better service for clients by drawing more information and resources from each other, said Karin Lohitnavy.
Special thanks to Adrian Basile (Managing Director, P4 Group), Neil Green (Chief Executive, SenateSHJ public relations communications reputation management) and R. Wahyuningrat (Director, Public Affairs at Imogen PR) for joining the panel.