PROI Worldwide, the world’s largest partnership of integrated independent communications agencies, recently held their APAC summit in Kuala Lumpur, with Priority Communications of Malaysia as hosts.
The three-day conference covered various topics that are currently shaping the industry and discussed the changing landscape of PR in the coming years. APAC agencies exchanged ideas, developments, and learnings through a series of fireside chats, case studies, and panel discussions. Topics explored included managing employees for growth, the latest tools to measure client results and how to optimise teamwork. The agencies also discussed how to better work with and leverage other PROI partners in the region in order to grow the brand and that of the agencies. Renowned entrepreneur Malek Ali, founder of BFM and Harvard alumni, shared insights on unforeseeable challenges in an organization and how to deal with them.
Karin Lohitnavy, Founder of Midas PR, one of the leading Public Relations agencies in Bangkok and sole PROI representative from Thailand hosted a panel discussion on managing employee growth. Adrian Basile (Managing Director, P4 Group), Neil Green (Chief Executive, SenateSHJ public relations communications reputation management) and R. Wahyuningrat (Director, Public Affairs at Imogen PR) joined the panel. Overall, the panelists united on the note that belonging to an entity like PROI allowed them to train their staff better by sending employees to other partner agencies on an exchange program which has lead to employee growth.
PROI meetings allows the agencies to stay up-to-date with the current trends and issues within the industry and given the advancement in technology, public relations firms must be at the top of things and prepare for the future. Holding workshops covering various topics as the one led by Neil Green on the issue of Crisis Management helps strengthens the level of consultancy they can offer clients. These workshops provide very clear strategies and steps to take when dealing with a crisis at hand. Together PROI members can provide a better service for clients by drawing more information and resources from each other, said Karin Lohitnavy.