Feeling your feelings

With our never ending to-do lists and fast moving lifestyles, it can be difficult to find time to address emotions like anger or sadness. We often dismiss them or distract ourselves from them. While the endorphins from a runners’ high, the rush from finishing a spontaneous project or the buzz from speaking with your friends may temporarily blanket those feelings, they will still be there. However, when you acknowledge or ‘sit with’ your feelings, you learn how to manage them. Resolved feelings bring peace, clarity, and a lightness to your life. 

Self Awareness

Self Awareness

We’re often encouraged to either get over our feelings or deal with them as quickly and quietly as possible. The process of recognizing our emotions, identifying triggers, unpacking the cause of those triggers, and ultimately making sense of those feelings can thus seem completely foreign. Familiarising yourself with your emotions helps you better identify reactions and patterns in your life. This can help you better manage your emotions, your emotional bandwidth, and your budget for emotional labor.

Abundance & Influence 

Understanding your emotional patterns, especially the exhausting ones, is critical for development. Being able to quickly identify detrimental habits can put a halt to those depressive spirals, which often presents itself as burnout. This means less time spent wondering what went wrong, and more time figuring out the best coping mechanisms and solutions. A clearer you is one that can seize more opportunities while helping others to do the same! 


Relationship Accountability

When we don’t tend to our emotional well-being, our relationships can sometimes take the hit. When we’re–unconsciously– caught up in our feelings, we are unable to provide apt support, love, and communication to our loved ones. This can cause strain in a relationship. Noticing when you’re not contributing to the relationship as much as you’d like, and communicating about it can turn imbalance relationships into good ones. This also works the other way around. Realising when a relationship is more individual work than mutual growth can help decide to improve it, or to focus on others.

Intuition & Initiative

The more you reconcile difficult emotions, the less they consume you. Being able to observe your emotions is an essential practice of mindfulness, and is crucial to improving your mental health. The more you are in control of your feelings, the more effective you become at managing situations. You can also identify when others are feeling panicked, frustrated, or hangry. With this information in mind, you can proactively take charge of the situation and make the very best of it. However, you also need to mind your emotional bandwidth and just how much you can handle.
