Elevating your purpose
The DNA of Success
Join us for an inspirational day from 7.45am to 9.00pm conducted by international star players in the world of business, innovation, writing, crisis management, branding, consciousness, positive thinking, talent retention and philanthropy, that explores the science of scaling up one’s business as well as one’s own self
We can promise an event of startling insights that will bring you and your company tangible benefits from world-class entrepreneurs and visionaries who have made significant marks in their respective fields and will continue to do so.
It offers a rare chance to see through the eyes of successful leaders and experientially learn why purpose is good for you and your business.
The morning session starts with a keynote address by Guillaume Gauthereau, who is based in the dynamic city of New York and is a successful international business strategist, coach and motivational speaker.
For the past two decades, Guillaume has built a successful track record in the corporate world as a chief executive officer and entrepreneur and through working with a variety of socially conscious and sustainable brands and causes. As a life and business strategist, Guillaume has been called upon to consult and coach some of the world’s finest brands and leaders.
He has also collaborated with the US singer, songwriter, record producer, pianist, actress, and activist Alicia Keys.
Guillaume’s experience spans 20 years working in executive roles in the retail and luxury industry. He was the co-founder and CEO of Totsy, the second largest private website in the US dedicated to mothers and children. In 36 months, he raised US$45 million in financing and led the company to become the second largest US private sale website dedicated to the sector. He was formerly chief executive officer of Lalique North America and UK, where he held the honour of being the youngest CEO for an international luxury retail company.
The morning session will also include a presentation by Kenneth Kam, a visionary entrepreneur and philanthropist. He grew up in a humble home in Singapore but learned from his mother never to give up, always aim for the moon and to be generous. These principles have guided his remarkable success as a foreign exchange trader.
The afternoon session will be led by David Passiak, a “futurist”, innovator and author of Empower, Disruption Revolution as well as Red Bull to Buddha : Innovation and the Search for Wisdom, and also Disruption Revolution: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the New Rules of Leadership.
David’s speech will be followed by an audience with Alan Hilburg, considered to be the world’s leading crisis communications expert and a former senior executive with Burson-Marsteller. He went on to found Hilburg and Associates, experts in crisis management, brand alignment and talent retention.
As a confidant and senior adviser to a range of international CEOs, country presidents, entrepreneurs and well-known celebrities he has, for 35 years, been the first to receive calls by private and public sector leaders as a problem-solver on high-stake issues threatening private and public sector brand trust.
The day ends with networking opportunities from 6.30pm onwards with the above participants as well as Michael Waitze, the technology enthusiast, startup adviser, investor and podcaster in Southeast Asia, Jerome Le Carrou, founder and CEO of Next Step Connections and co-founder of SocialC, a purpose-driven hiring platform, Karin Lohitnavy, founder of Midas PR, Rudolf Beger, managing director of sales of Estavis AG since July 1, 2007, and Paul Sinlapajan, who wrote one of Thailand’s best selling personal finance books called Retired by 40.
The day will end with drinks and snacks.
#EP17SUMMIT is organised by Midas PR( midas-pr.com) and SocialC (socialc.me).
We would like to thank the sponsors of this event, in particular our title sponsor Kenneth Kam, Guillaume Gauthereau Group, Social C and The Westin Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok and last but least, our Community partners, La French Tech, Travel Daily News, NextStepConnections and ATP.