Your advertising campaign was expensive but failed to meet your expectations – consumers still do not buy your products. Why not?

You wanted to raise people’s awareness of an issue and urged them to change their habits, but it did not quite happen. How come?

You launched a fundraising campaign but did not get enough donations. What went wrong?

Do any of these sound familiar? The list could go on, but all these examples have one thing in common: something went wrong, but you have no idea what it was nor how to fix it.

Meanwhile, all these problems have answers. It just requires a better understanding of the situation and the context.

How to find the answers to your questions

The issues we hinted at above are nothing new. Neither are the questions businesspeople ask themselves when they’re in this situation. And while it might seem like a difficult thing to resolve, the answer is actually quite simple: research and expert consultation.

Many businesses understand the importance of research to determine the viability of their idea. However, a common misconception about research is that it has to be expensive, time-consuming and difficult.

Quite the opposite is the case! Our new consulting service package was developed to offer tailor-made cost-effective solutions to get you on the right path as quickly as possible

Research solutions that give you the bigger picture

Understanding why something didn’t go as planned requires a thorough look at your campaign, its target audience, their surroundings and current state of mind and many other factors. By carefully looking at how all this plays together, we identify the source of the problem and can identify how to fix it.

Sounds simple? It is, and it isn’t. While the idea behind this approach is logical and straightforward, it involves knowing how and where to look for information, identifying relevant sources and being able to see patterns or connections which previously went unnoticed. Only once this is done, findings can be distilled into key insights to provide you with a clear answer to your questions, ideas for new directions and possible next steps.

And that is precisely what our desk research package entails. Through professionally executed research we help you get a better understanding of your target markets, competitors and stakeholders. What are they thinking? What is their pain point? What will trigger them to support your next campaign?

We will also help you identify potential consumers and customers that you need to influence and how best to go about it. Questions we answer here include: Where do they get their information? What is their preferred format? Who do they listen to?

Looking at your competitors is another important aspect. That’s we will map your key competitors’ positions and suggest ways to differentiate from them. Especially in a crowded market, this is a crucial ingredient to success.

And finally, we will help you determine stakeholders’ attitudes and public opinion and suggest ways to get stakeholders’ support and the public’s acceptance. Whether you’re launching a new product, trying to promote your message or want to raise awareness for your cause, this is a step you can’t miss!

If you feel like the issues and questions we highlighted in this post reflect challenges you face, then check out or get in touch with us at info@localhost to find out how we can help you with high-quality, in-depth research!